It's true that we don't know what we've got until we lose it, but it's also true
that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.

خوب پیش میاد دیگه.  هر کی سی خودش!

*Birds of a feather flock together*

At school, a boy is told by a classmate that most adults are hiding at least one dark secret, and that this makes it very easy to blackmail them by saying, "I know the whole truth" even when you don't know anything.

The boy decides to go home and try it out. As he is greeted by his mother at the front door he says, "I know the whole truth." His mother quickly hands him $20 and says, "Just don't tell your father."

Quite pleased, the boy waits for his father to get home from work, and greets him with, "I know the whole truth." The father promptly hands him $40 and says, "Please don't say a word to your mother."

Very pleased, the boy is on his way to school the next day, when he sees the mailman at his front door. The boy greets him by saying, "I know the whole truth." The mailman drops the mail, opens his arms and says, "Then come give your FATHER a big hug."

از نیمه هم گذشت.....

با عرض سلام!
تلخ اونم چه تلخی٬ دوست عزیز کامت تلخ نباشه الهی.
به نظر می رسه که اینجا یعنی بلاگ اسکای عضو جدید نمیگیره درسته؟

بی تو مهتاب شبی باز از آن کو چه گذشتم....

یه شب مهتاب
 ماه میاد تو خواب...



Jack of all trades and master of none

راستی چطوری میشه من اینگلیش از چپ بنویسم؟

و اما من! یه غریبه از همه جا مونده. موندم سرگردان که چه کنم با این درد بی دردی شایدم درد بی عشقی علاجش آتش است.

یه چند تا ضرب المثل باحال شندیدم هرکی گفت معادل فارسیش چیه؟

Cut your coat according to your cloth

خیلی جالب بود واسم که یکی اینجا کامنت گذاشته بود!  خیلی ممنون از راهنماییتون دوست عزیز.

آره موندن بهترین راه هست.  آسونه از موندن حرف زدن و از نوشتن گفتن اما:

به عمل کار بر آید به سخن دانی نیست...  چه کنم که اهل عمل نیستم....

از زندگانیم گله دارد جوانیم!